Many of MSIC’s webinar events are available to view on MSIC’s YouTube Channel.
On September 28,2022, Professor Michael Goodman from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth joined us for a review of his presentation that was recorded during MSIC’s Member Summit in June 2022. During this presentation Professor Goodman discussed the state of the Massachusetts economy including ongoing economic recovery, labor and housing markets, demographic trends and related the impact for credit unions.
On August 24, 2022, MSIC presented a webinar session from MSIC Partners, LLC that was recorded during MSIC’s Member Summit in June 2022. During the presentation participants heard the perspectives of key team members on mortgage lending, including a CEO, a Senior Lender, a SVP of Mortgage Services and a Director of CU Services. Following the video presentation was a live Q&A with the panel of industry leaders.
On November 10, 2021, MSIC was honored to welcome Professor Michael Goodman of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth to discuss the state of the economy.
On October 20, 2021 MSIC Hosted a webinar presented by Attorney Stan Regalevski of K&L Gates LLP regarding the importance of board evaluation and succession planning, and how to structure those functions.
On September 29, MSIC hosted a one-hour informational online-session with MSIC Partners, LLC to learn about some of the latest trends in mortgage lending, and how technology and scale can benefit credit unions of any size.
On August 18, MSIC presented a training session regarding the ways highly profitable credit unions calculate the value of DEI with Ronaldo Hardy of CU Strategic Planning.
On June 22, 2021, MSIC hosted a one-hour training session presented by author Todd Romer who discussed how credit unions can deliver relevant financial education to attract new, young members and retain a younger membership base.
On April 14, 2021, MSIC hosted a one-hour webinar presentation by Vining Sparks Chief Economist Craig Dismuke, and Senior Vice President Michael Erhardt regarding the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the economy and credit unions, one year later.
On November 10, 2021, MSIC was honored to welcome Professor Michael Goodman of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth to discuss the state of the economy.
On March 24, 2021, MSIC presented a 60-minute keynote address by the acclaimed Dr. Stephanie J. Creary with a presentation of her expansive research and data reflecting the benefits of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in today’s workplace and in the board room, and the value and impact of DEI for credit unions. Dr. Creary is an identity and diversity scholar and field researcher, and an assistant professor of management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She has published her research in top academic journals and regularly shares her research and applied insights with industry audiences and the media – MSIC was fortunate to be one of those audiences. For a copy of the presentation, or related materials, please contact MSIC at
On February 24, 2021, MSIC hosted a one-hour virtual training session by Buckley Technology Group (BTG) to learn about various social engineering attacks and the techniques to protect your credit union.
MSIC’s 59th Annual Meeting included a timely and informative presentation by MSIC Board Director Dr. Richard Mitchell titled: COVID-19: Virus, Disease, Diagnostics, Treatment, Vaccine… and What’s Next.
On September 17, 2020, MSIC presented a two-hour webinar with two of the leading experts of remote work practices: Professor Prithwiraj (Raj) Choudhury, Lumry Family Associate Professor at Harvard Business School, and Dr. Barbara Larson, Executive Professor of Management and Partnerships Director at Northeastern University, D’Amore-McKim School of Business. Professor Choudhury and Dr. Larson discussed their research relating to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by remote operations.
On September 2, 2020, MSIC presented a webinar from Vining Sparks Chief Economist & Executive Vice President Craig Dismuke, and Senior Vice President Michael Erhardt regarding the economy, the lengthy road to recovery due to the Coronavirus, and the impact on credit unions.
Just a few days before the Massachusetts state of emergency was announced, MSIC was at the forefront in preparing its credit union members for the threat of contagion, the challenges of a quarantine, and the possibility (or reality) of major losses, both in human terms and economically. MSIC hosted a one-hour conference call, Pandemic Preparedness: Are You Ready? for our member credit unions to address the ongoing outbreak of the coronavirus disease and how organizations should evaluate the potential impact on their operations. Comments were shared by MSIC President and CEO Mike Hanson and MSIC Director Dr. Richard (Rick) Mitchell, Lawrence J. Henderson Professor of Pathology and Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard Medical School, and Senior Pathologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, who also answered questions from meeting participants.
MSIC held its 58th Annual Meeting in The Wharf Room of the Boston Harbor Hotel at Rowes Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts.